Flourishing with Feldenkrais

Flourishing is the other side of the ‘meh’ of winter, isolation, no live music, that many of us feel at the moment. In Awareness Through Movement lessons, we follow the science and to take the path from ‘meh’ to flourishing: note progress after a lesson, savor the results of the learning, feel gratitude for our bodies, share the joy of embodiment, connect with self and others, find purpose in daily routines and be curious!

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Jacki Katzman
The Grand Horizontals - 4 - Swing Like A WPGA Pro

The Grand Horizontals - 4 - Swing Like A WPGA Pro

Some movements require the power and grace of the torso moving as a flexible, but connected, whole. This Awareness Through Movement® lesson riffs on a classic lesson designed to strengthen and release the spine, with an emphasis on the collar bones as the line that holds the entire shoulder girdle together.

BY ZOOM New Students: Register here

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Jacki Katzman
The Grand Horizontals - 3 - Reach Like A WNBA Star

The Grand Horizontals - 3 - Reach Like A WNBA Star
For maximum extension from tip toe to finger tip, the collar bones (clavicles, “beauty bones”, “Grand Horizontals”) synergize with the hips and ribs. As useful for reaching that thing on the top shelf as winning a tip off.
(A variation of the classic 3-way hip lesson).

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Jacki Katzman
Start with a Story - Gratitude Practice 2.0 - A Neuroscience Take on Enhanced Gratitude Practice

Dr. Andrew Huberman, Stanford Medical School, draws on the brain science to create an effective gratitude practice. A gratitude journal is nice, but repeating a story about receiving gratitude shifts your brain and body’s neural circuitry more potently than lists. Remember a situation, how it was resolved and who received the gratitude. Take a minute a few times a week to retell the story of receiving gratitude and deepen the groove to your gratitude center.

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Jacki Katzman