Liberating Your Jaw with Your Voice - 6 - Right Down the Line (Feat. Bonnie Raitt)

BonnieRaitt NOLA 2004 By David Lee from Redmond, WA, USA

Bonnie Raitt New Orleans, 2004, By David Lee from Redmond, WA, USA

Liberating Your Jaw with Your Voice - Right Down the Line

Spine Like A Chain, with jaw, tongue and voice

It all comes down to this:: the center line. The merger of left/right duality, top/bottom connection, the oscillation between flexible and supportive, the force migration from peripheral to core. The spine. And a classic, you-think-you’ve-already-done-it exploration.

“Spine Like a Chain” is a deceptively simple lesson.  Lie on your back and slowly, slowly, lift your spine vertebra by vertebra.  Then release vertebra by vertebra by vertebra, sensing the balance of left and right, the connections for foot to crown, the transition from a mobile spine to locked in stability.

You may have explored a lesson like this in yoga.  Great! This is your moment to go deeper into sensation, with a special emphasis on kinks, blind spots and places where the energy simply flows freely and easily.

We will be adding a few elements from other Moshe Feldenkrais lessons (Pushing Hip Joints, Sliding Spine (Esalen 21) and David Zemach-Berson’s Neck and Jaw work, Deborah Bowes’ pelvic floor work, the sounding introduced by David Kaetz., and Master Mantak Chia’s Healing Sound practice. That means using the tongue, the pelvic floor and toning to enrich your spinal self-knowledge. And, as promised in the series title, free the jaw.

Have any padding you might want for your low back or head, and a blankie and heavy socks if you tend to get cold.

The Voice-O-Meter sound this week: The heart sound - HAAAAAA - is a sigh of relief, a bit of a giggle, releasing hate and making room for love.

Science Nerd Candy Bowl:

How you might feel after this lesson: Clarified Center Line; Connected from Head to Toe; Renewed Awareness of Ribs; Spine Long and Relaxed; Tuned into Balances and Imbalances; CORE; Whole.