Posts tagged chanukia
Like A Natural Woman - 5 - Arms and Legs to Floor - A Candelabra Lesson continued

Like A Natural Woman - 5- Arms and Legs to Floor - A Candelabra Lesson continued

Same-side and diagonal connections from the arms and legs via the pelvic floor help us begin to feel when the pevlic floor is active, and when it is relaxed. Surprisingly, it’s the relaxed state that’s usually elusive.

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Hippie Chicks - 7 - Judy- Amazing Grace - Prayer Hands

Hippie Chicks - 7 - Judy - Amazing Grace - Prayer Hands

Another experience of isolating the shoulder blades - middle, bottom and top - to feel the connection between the shoulder blades and head as the spine twists. Based on the “Prayer Hands” lesson as taught by Moshe Feldenkrais.

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Hippie Chicks - 6 - Marianne - As Tears Go By - Align and Stabilize from the Corners

Hippie Chicks - 6 - Marianne - Align and Stabilize from the Corners

Another experience of isolating the shoulder blades - middle, bottom and top - to feel the connection between the shoulder blades and head as the spine twists. Based on “Minimal Lifting” as taught by Arlyn Zones.

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Hippie Chicks - 5 - Gracie - Airplane Arms

Hippie Chicks - 5 - Gracie - AIrplane Arms, Keep Your Head

Another experience of isolating the shoulder blades - middle, bottom and top - to feel the connection between the shoulder blades and head as the spine twists.

For new student registration, Click Here

If you have a Wednesday 9:30 am or 6:30 pm class registration, keep using it.

Registered, paid students receive the lesson recording links.

$40/month, $15/single lesson. PayPal: Venmo: @Jacki-Katzman Or check to Jacki Katzman, PO Box 116, Bethlehem, NH 03574

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