No Crunch Abs - V2 - 6 - Walk Like An Egyptian - Abs to Arms, with Head

Leslie Segar in Michael Jackson’s ‘Remember The Time’ music video (1992)

No Crunch Abs - V2 - 6 - Walk Like An Egyptian

Abs to Arms, with Head

The Chanukia/Candelabra Lesson For Supported Twisting and Lifting

This series began with a general survey of all the abdominals-to-body-part connection. From there, the extremities became levers for activating the abs from above (arms) and below (legs).

Last week we slowed it way down to feel, deeply, the relationships between the scapulae (shoulder blades) and the abs and the timing of the ‘ab grab’ for graceful movement flow.

This week, the slow exploration oozes onward, with the continuation of a variation of AY 18, the Candelabra lesson. The focus this week is on the “ab grab” timing that allows the most graceful and lightest movement of (the bowling ball of) the head and a supported, open chest. We will study the correlation of the lift of the chest, nose, belly and gravity, and how the ‘ab grab’ provides the extra power to lift the arms and legs.

Sadie Marquardt - belly dancer - arched back

Can’t forget our inspiring Sadie Marquardt

We will recap the first part of the candelabra lesson supine, with knees bent and arms at shoulder height, fingertips magnetized toward the ceiling. Remember, keeping the arms outstretched at shoulder height is imperative for protecting the shoulder socket and getting the most feedback from the scapulae. Keeping the fingertips extended towards the ceiling, palms facing the center line is also important for protecting the shoulders.

Moving forward, we round and lengthen the neck and upper back in coordination with the abs to lift the chest and glide the shoulder blades as the “Egyptian” arms roll up and down. Gradually, the arms extend outward as if there is a energy beam extending palm to palm. As the wrists twist up and down, the torso follows, and the ‘ab grab’ drives extra power to roll the arms and head.

The grand finale is another look at the Michael Jackson “Remember the Time” music video mashed up with “Walk Like An Egyptian” for many expressions of the connections of arms, head, hips and chest.

The Voice-O-Meter featured sounds this week:

  • Heart Sound: HAAAA, like a giggle or sigh of relief, releasing hate and making room for love

  • Lung Sound: SSSSSSSS, like wind in the dry autumn leaves, releasing grief and making room for courage

Science Nerd Candy Bowl - connecting the pelvis and scapulae:

Scapular and Shoulder Girdle source

The back muscles connect the pelvis to the scapulae. Source

Set Up:

  • Lying on a mat on the floor with knees bent and arms extended at shoulder height, with support for head and knees as needed

  • OR sitting on a firm chair with knees and hips level, with possible support for arms at shoulder height

How you might feel after this lesson: Got your groove on, girl!; Stronger, more awake lower abs, with a low back that releases; Pelvis and shoulders connected; Clearer sensation of abs synched to the breath, chest, upper back and arms; Ready to let your hair get big and walk like an Egyptian.

If you have a Wednesday 9:30 am or 6:30 pm class registration, keep using it. If you were registered for the 12:00 pm Wednesday session, you’ll need to register. Registered, paid students receive the lesson recording link on Thursday. $40/month, $15/single lesson. PayPal: Venmo: . Or check to Jacki Katzman, PO Box 116, Bethlehem, NH 03574

For new student registration, Click Here

Michael Jackson choreography superimposed on “Walk Like An Egyptian” - so much better!