ReCentering for Sports and Sanity - 6 - Balancing Top & Bottom/Front & Back/ Chest & Pelvis

Audrey demonstrates elegant alignment of chest and pelvis, front to back, top and bottom

ReCentering for Sports and Sanity - 6 - Stability By Balancing Top and Bottom/ Front and Back / Chest and Pelvis

Stability AND Flexibility to Go With The Flow

Adapted from “Gentle Fingers and Ribbons” lesson as taught by Alan Questel

‘ReCentering” has been exploring variations on ‘Center’, as in:

  • Left and right mirroring each other down the center line;

  • Sinking into the transition point in movement;

  • Feeling the wave-like motion of the spine as the core of movement;

  • Connecting the corners (shoulders and hips) to experience the center;

  • “Moving from the elbows” to bring attention to the core.

Add to that, now, deep centering and balancing of the torso’s top (chest) to bottom (pelvis) to stabilize the spine, flexibly: a review of the “Gentle Fingers and Ribbons” lesson.

Imagine ribbons drawing the sternum or pubic bone forward, while gentle finger presses against the sternum or lower back to bring them back relative to center.

This ‘ReCentering’ variation explores the internal diagonals from sternum to sacrum and the opposite diagonal from between shoulder blades to the pubis. These torso diagonals balance the front/back and top/bottom: flexibility within stability.

Set Up:

  • Sitting on a firm-bottom chair with knees and hips level (good if you want to explore these internal diagonals in gravity)

  • OR lying on your side, with support for your cheek and, if you like it, between your knees (to simulate the correct standing distance between femurs. Be aware - this is a one-sided lesson. Plan accordingly.

Audrey demonstrates the first set in this lesson: imagine a ribbon drawing the center of your chest forward, or a gentle finger on your spine helping arch your back.

Drawing of fascia supporting upper spine
drawing of woman's body highlighting front support

The Voice-O-Meter sounds this week, chosen for their connection to corners:

  • Heart Sound - HAAAAAAA - releasing impatience and making space for love

  • Kidney Sound - CHOOOOOO - the sound of breath echoing through a long tube - forcing out cold, fearful energy and making space for gentleness and generosity

  • Triple Warmer - HEEEEEEEE - integrating the centerline down the entire body

Science Nerd Candy:

How You Might Feel After This Lesson: Front/Back and Top/Bottom in easy alignment; Ribs open and flexible; Spine long; Breath deep and wide; Arms resting easily in shoulder sockets; Shoulder girdle - shoulder blades, clavicles - resting comfortably over upper ribs; Chest and pelvis connections highlighted; Ready for belly dancing, stirring pots, hitting golf balls, enjoying yoga twists, swimming and kayaking, skiing, sitting with Audrey Hepburn poise.

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