Awareness in the Sanctuary 2022 - Yearning - 4 - Inner Alignment
Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel shares an award with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Both men stand tall.
Awareness in the Sanctuary 2022 - Yearning -4 - Inner Alignment
Body-Based Meditations to align with that which we yearn
Based on “Gentle Fingers and Ribbons” lesson as taught by Alan Questel, GCFT®
Thursday, July 28, 9:30 am EDT, In the Bethlehem Hebrew Congregation Sanctuary and by Zoom
“Yearning is something I have to cultivate more of before tapping love and faith and other spiritual tools. Yearning leads to its own fulfillment by activating a need to be known and touched by love.”
“Jews are sometimes called the “people of the book,” but they are equally the people of the body.”
The practical can also be the spiritual with intention. This week the intention is to align the spine for clarity, strength and flexibility.
Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais - engineer, physicist, and Judo master - integrated movement and neuroplasticity to guide students discover full self expression. He composed lessons, guided meditations, to highlight approaches to familiar movements.
This session is both a simple exercise to lengthen and align the spine: to stand gracefully and flexibly tall and to imbue the daily with the spiritual.
Sitting comfortably, students are guided to deepen the breath in the chest and belly and find movement in the spine. Many will discover the internal connections between the heart and the belly that enable a strong, yet flexible back.
We also take inspiration from Rabbi Robbie Cahana. His poem “Longing - Love is the Lifeline” and the NYT OpDoc by his daughter explore the yearning of a body wrecked by a stroke, but a heart powerful with love.
Awareness Through Movement® is Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais’ life work and gift to humanity. The practice is a form of body-based meditation of simple, small, and extreme low-impact movements. Enjoy these lessons as a gift from Bethlehem Hebrew Congregation to our friends and neighbors.
The BHC summer Feldenkrais series, Awareness in the Sanctuary, is in its fifth year. Lessons are appropriate for people of all abilities, body types, levels of fitness, faiths and spiritual orientations. Led by BHC member and Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner® Jacki Katzman with special introductions by Rabbi Donna Kirshbaum.
Lessons are free. Please consider a donation to Bethlehem Hebrew Congregation. Suggested donation $15/lesson. Send checks to Bethlehem Hebrew Congregation, PO Box 395, Bethlehem NH 03574. Or online.