Don’t Just Do Something, Just Sit - Self Massage 3 - Soft Face
Don’t Just Do Something, Just Sit - Self Massage 3 - Soft Face
Be the quiet in the roil
Based on “The Tongue” as taught by Julie Rubin, Based on The Esalen-Stransky Notes
Sylvia Boorstein, Buddhist teacher, demonstrates a relaxed, peaceful visage.
Sylvia Boorstein, Buddhist teacher and writer is the inspiration for this series: Don’t Just Do Something, Just Sit, a short series for a busy, possibly stressful month. This week we indirectly talk to the vagus nerve through the face and jaw.
The vagus nerve is very trendy now, with more information than I have time to delve into right now. So, we won’t go too deeply into the vagus nerve beyond the popular culture summary: it is the tenth (XX) cranial nerve that wanders from the back of the head down through most of the organs, sending messages down to and carrying information up. It is involved in the body’s responses: fight or flight, (sympathetic - but not in the emotional sense) and rest and digest (parasympathetic state associated with meditation and relaxation.)
Feldenkrais lessons almost never go right at a target. We circle around, moving from the opposite side, or bringing something along with an adjacent movement. Here, we get at calming the vagus nerve by relaxing the jaw and, by proximity. the nerves that pass through it.
Sitting or lying supine, glide the jaw side to side. Use your fingers to soften the lips by curling them up and down, and stretching side to side. Loosen the tongue by sticking it out, up and down, over the top and bottom teeth. End with a soft, lovely smile. And a totally relaxed face, a totally relaxed self.
Science Nerd Candy Bowl:
“There is no situation in which paying careful kind attention would not be the most helpful response.”
Meet Your Vagus Nerve - Gil Hedley (5:14) An engaging, simple whiteboard explanation of the vagus nerve anatomy and physiology
Vagus Nerve - Neuroanatomy and Functions, Animation Alila Medical Media (4:09) Follow the vagus nerve through the body in this simple tutorial
What Is The Vagus Nerve? | Vagus Nerve Explained | Brain, Mind Body Connect - The Art of Living (4:43) - cheerful overview of vagus nerve functions - anatomical and spiritual/emotional
Set Up for Seated Lesson:
Sit on an armless, stable chair
Lie on floor with support for head and legs as needed.
How you might feel after this lesson: Quieted, Relaxed; Breathing easily; Jaw, cheeks, lips released and comfortable; relaxed body-wide.
If you have a Wednesday 9:30 am or 6:30 pm class registration, keep using it. If you were registered for the 12:00 pm Wednesday session, you’ll need to register. Registered, paid students receive the lesson recording link on Thursday. $40/month; $15/single lesson. PayPal or Venmo to Or check to Jacki Katzman, PO Box 116, Bethlehem, NH 03574
For new student registration, Click Here