String of Pearls/Solid Support - 3 - Sliding Jaw Shifts Pelvis
Love Me Tender
String of Pearls / Solid Support
3 - Sliding Jaw Shifts Pelvis
Based on “And the Head is Free” as taught by Arlyn Zones, GCFT®
Vertebral Column - source wikipedia
This series has begun looking at the spine as the ‘in between'‘ it’s two ends: the head and the pelvis. The spine mediates how the gyroscopic pelvis and the movement-directing sensors in the head direct movement. Depending on what we want to do, the spine does it’s flexible ‘string of pearls’ or ‘solid support’ job.
As animals, we could think of the spine as a jaw support, aligning the body up with food that the jaw opens to engulf. Slight movements of the jaw work like a rudder for the spine, the better to get at that desirable food.
The jaw, the gliding and hinge temporomandibular joint, is the most-used joint in the body. A tiny habitual preference for holding the jaw to one side can affect the tilt of the head, binocular vision, and tension in the ribs. Find out if you have any interesting little habits that have full-body impacts.
This week we do some jaw sliding to feel how the movement of the jaw ripples through the spine, into the ribs and all the way down to the hips. The lesson comes from one of my Feldenkrais Method® trainers, Arlyn Zones’, “And the Head is Free” series.
Science Nerd Candy Bowl: See all the great info from the last round of this series
Set Up:
Lying supine (on your back) with appropriate head support. Cervical spine alignment is critical to this lesson, so pay close attention to whether you can easily swallow while lying on your back. If your saliva catches at all, bring some support for the back of your head or neck.
Some people may want support under their knees or low back. You know what you need.
Or sit with sit bones perched at the edge of a flat chair with knees and hips level; support behind the back is fine as long as you can rock your pelvis freely.
How you might feel after this lesson: Relaxed, taller, softer neck and jaw; neck, shoulders and hips coordinated; shoulders relaxed; eyes softer; deeper breath; new information about bocks and kinks between hips, shoulders and head; the secret of the jaw in twists; curious about the next lesson.
New Student Registration for the series. Continuing students use ongoing login. $40/month or $15/individual class. PayPal or Venmo: Or Jacki Katzman, PO Box 116, Bethlehem, NH 03574
The young Elvis - that jaw…