Reach Far

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Reach Far

Use Your Ribs and Hips to Extend Your Reach:
This class is for people who play stick and ball games, boaters and sailors, skiers and skaters, bikers, yoga twisters and anyone who reaches for something 

This week, we explore REACH through side bending. 

Side bending, using the whole torso to twist and bend, is a movement we rarely explore consciously.  Yet it is so important for whole body movement.

How far can you reach?  When you reach, is it with just your hand?  With your hand and arm?  Hand, arm, shoulder?  How about adding the ribs, head, hips and feet?  When, like a baby or Big Papi, you bring your whole center into play, you go far. 

This lesson calls for a firm-seated chair.  We will build up the experience of side bending using some of the references from last week's session of isolating different parts of the lungs.  We will begin with letting one hand drop down, gradually adding the drop of a shoulder.  Connecting to the feet, we engage the hips and opposite shoulder to open the ribs and, voila!

Side bending adds a new layer of movement vocabulary to your repertoire - your shoulders and low back will be oh so grateful.  If this is your first session, welcome!  No time like the present to start doing the things you love to do better. 

The Wednesday afternoon class highlights the lesson's practical applications. The evening session is more internally, meditatively focused.  The Friday morning FaceBook Live session is specially designed for adaptive athletes and their sports partners and focuses on shared outdoor activities.

Jacki Katzman