Supported Looking

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Roll to Look With Hands, Ribs and Feet

Use Your Hands, Ribs and Feet to Turn Your Head Easily:
In acknowledgement that we may want to drop our heads into our hands in anguish, another look at side bending;  this time from the top down with a bonus of nice massage for your head, neck and shoulders. 

This week, we use our palms and elbows to explore side bending from the top down, bringing in ribs and feet to aid the cause.

Transform your desire to bury your head in your hands into self-healing and  a deeper study of side bending,  We will be building on recent breathing, turning and side bending lessons to help relax the neck and shoulders by connecting to the feet and hips, with help from the arms.  

This lesson calls for a firm-seated chair.  We will be using our fingertips and hand-heels to roll our head, gently, side to side to soften the neck and shoulders.  In time we add the movement of the feet and pelvis to create supported, subtle side bending motions that you'll appreciate sitting at the computer, in the car, and anywhere you need to turn to look sideways. 

This lesson, while not difficult, asks us to keep our arms up for a while. It will be a good opportunity to practice noticing when you have had enough and it's time to rest - before overload sets in and learning becomes impossible.

Side bending adds a new layer of movement vocabulary to your repertoire - your shoulders and low back will be oh so grateful.  If this is your first session, welcome!  No time like the present to start doing the things you love to do better. 

Jacki Katzman