Gestures of Love - 6 - "Lullaby ... Gentle Sounds" 

Happy Kitty -

Gestures of Love - 6 - "Lullaby ... Gentle Sounds" 

Healing Sounds in Head Space

“If all I have to do this year is love, I’m good” - Christine

Embody love as we wait to be reunited with our beloveds. This Awareness Through Movement® series progresses from Self Hugs to Sealed with a Kiss. Be ready for that wonderful moment when we can show our love up close and joyously.

Coo, purr, whisper, hum, sing, sigh: sounds of contentment and love

This lesson is about rooting sound in the body as a way of expressing all things good. Tap your inner eye, breath, and an imaginary paint brush - you choose the color - to explore resonance and full-body vocal expression.

This session create spaces in the vibrational chambers of your head. Continue by connecting breath to emotion in a series of International Healing Tao Healing Sound practices (I'm a certified teacher).

LIe on your mat or sit in a firm chair. Both options work for this deeply internal lesson.

This is another trance-y lesson, so give yourself a little transition time. It's a shorter lesson so you will have all the time you need to go deep, with rests being the core of the lesson.

I leave it to you to figure out the link to "Gestures of Love." Start thinking about your favorite companions, and how you feel when their voices are gentle and kind. A little purring, a little lullaby, a lot of joy.

How you might feel after this lesson: Deeply relaxed; Newly Aware of hidden tension; Breath connected to organs and their Healing Tao sound equivalents; Headspace open and resonant; Voice gentled and softened; Major organs stimulated; Neck, shoulders and ribs released; Whole self "integrated".

Jacki Katzman