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Smarter in the Car Online Workshop Awareness Through Movement for Drivers, Passengers and Back Seat Drivers with Barnet Tradepost Wellness Center

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Whether you are the driver, passenger or back seat driver, Awareness Through Movement lessons can help you sit, turn, and get in and out of the car more easily and safely.  

Awareness Through Movement is a new form of exercise that uses tiny, gentle movements to retrace the ways you learned to move as an infant.  Rediscover your natural body connections and learn new ways to move using your whole self.

While this series is focused on “car comfort", it also applies activities you have always loved and would love to do better!

Online Workshop - Or LIve - we shall see. Lessons include:

Fasten Your Seatbelt:  Reaching across the body with ease

Checking the Mirrors/Looking Up Ahead:  Tips for sitting up straighter

Checking the Kids in the back/ Turning to look behind:  Look over your shoulder without neck strain

Getting In and Out:  A new way to stand up from sitting, and to sit from standing 

$50. Pre-registration required.