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Awareness Through Movement - Since We Are Already Sitting, Make the Most of It

Graceful Sitting with Audrey.png

The front of the chest is connected to that inaccessible spot between the shoulder blades. The sternum is connected to the sacrum. Our intentions are connected to our movements. And we are connected to those who guide and support us, if only in our imaginations during this isolation.

My Feldenkrais teacher Alan Questel, who was just featured at the Feldenkrais Summit,  says learning to like ourselves better is the best reason to do Awareness Through Movement.  Alan asks:  "Who doesn't want to like themselves better?" and "Do you LIKE the way this makes you feel?"  Riiiiiggghhhttt?

These lessons focus on sitting more gracefully. Sit on a firm chair or sit on the floor on a yoga mat.

Wednesdays at 12:15-1:15 PM

May 13 - figure 8 hips

May 20 - Dipping side to side

May 27 - Deeper Breath