When The Master Departs

Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais gestures with a skeleton. Source: International Feldenkrais Federaton

Thich Nhat Hanh and the compassion mudrah. Source: plumvillage.org

When the Master Departs

The Disciples Who Carry On and Forward

Thich Nhat Hanh, Thay’s, disciples offered a tribute to his spirit, an ongoing tribute and commitment to continue the path he had lit. In poetry, music, floral arrangement, other offerings not publicly displayed and contemplative silence, the students stepped into the responsibilities of spiritual adulthood.

I think what the first generation of Feldenkrais practitioners must have felt like when Moshe died. The work to continue, develop and expand. Knowing it’s value and the challenge of communicating it’s ahead-of-its-time foundations.

Many of Moshe’s Amherst students were in their early 20’s. They took charge of the training to document and organize the material. They dug into and worked to interpret Moshe’s writings. They codified and cataloged Moshe’s lessons. And moved the practice forward. They trained the next generation of teachers - my cohort.

Watching the monastics of Plum Village honor their teacher rang a bell in me. A reminder that the work of bringing people into self is work worth doing.

Jacki Katzman