Tall in the Saddle: A Lesson Honoring Adaptive Sports Partners of the North Country Volunteer-Athlete Friendships

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This week we get taller in the saddle while honoring beloved ASPNC volunteer Tom Norcott and all volunteer-athlete friendships.  This lesson uses the image of a ribbon and a gentle finger to help you lift and open your chest and settle into your seat.   

This is going to make sitting up straighter - on the bike, in the kayak, at your computer, in the car, stirring soup, in front of the tee, on the trail, on a sled or skis - so much easier, period.  The trick is really easy to remember.  Along the way we will think about our favorite sports partners and even trade roles in our imaginations, just for fun.

NOTE:  Lessons - with captions! - will now drop Fridays at 11:00 AM EDT at the Adaptive Partners' FaceBook Video Page. And apologies about last week's session going blank when FaceBook Live stopped functioning.  We will redo the "eyes" lesson - so important - for you and let you know when it will be availble. 

Upcoming Sessions:

  • May 8:  Sitting Taller in the Saddle/Seat/At the Tee/At the Serve Line

  • May 15:  Figure 8 Hips 

  • May 22:  Dipping Side to Side 

  • May 29:  Calming Jitters, Breathing Deep

More than 400 people have checked out these lessons and the numbers keep growing!  

Learn about this program from the Littleton Courier.  Thanks to Thomas and Nate at  North Country Adaptive Sports Partners for their vision to bring athletes and volunteers together in movement. Also, thanks to Sat Nam Foundation/Balance Bethlehem for the studio space.

Lesson Snippet: To Sit or Stand Straighter in the Kayak or anywhere else:

  • Sit comfortably on a firm chair, with your thighs level with the ground.  

  • Imagine a ribbon connected to the zipper of your jeans or to the pelvic bone.  

  • Imagine that ribbon being pulled downwards, between your feet on the floor.  Let your pelvis tip forward and let the movement roll all the way up your back.

  • Feel how the front of the body opens and your chest lifts.  Consciously accentuate the lifting with a heart-centered ribbon lifting and opening the heart.  Take a deep breath and let your ribs expand into the extra space you have created.  

  • To Ground Down: Add a ribbon to your low back, in the center of the sacrum.  Let that ribbon draw your low back down and out. Let your weight sink as if you had a very large and heavy tail. You are GROUNDED.

Jacki Katzman