Feldenkrais Summit 2020: Recap of Days 1-3

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Meet some of the top Feldenkrais teachers worldwide during this FREE online summit. 

Planned a year before anyone had heard of Covid-19, a cohort of master Feldenkrais Method® teachers began planning this 10-day series of free Awareness Through Movement lessons and interviews.  The agenda only samples the diversity of applications for this form of somatic education.  The lectures are available online for 48 hours, so I'm working at it to make sure I catch as many sessions as I can in the moment.

Olympian swimmer  VLADIMIR LATOCHA talked about how ATM sessions helped a competitive swimmer cut her practice time in half without a dent in her time.  (Did you know that Olympic level swimmers do 20K a day?) For swimmers, it's all about ribs and breath. Awareness Through Movement is all over that. Stay tuned for the arm circle lesson, later this summer.

KAREN MAJOR has equestrians lie over a lengthwise roller (on a table IN THE BARN) to help them explore centering the torso while hands and legs move independently.  She uses soft hands lessons to help riders communicate more clearly with the horse. I've have already developed a rider's curriculum; I'm ready for when Matt Roy Stables reopens.

ALAN QUESTEL's motto is "Like Yourself Better."  He ran my Feldenkrais training program with generosity, expertise and humor. Thanks to Alan, the question of the week:  Do I LIKE the way this feels?

The Summit is free and available to all.  Plenty of great sessions to go.  I'm planning to drop in on or catch the 48-hour replay for these presenters:

  • May 5:  MERCEDES (DIDI) VON DECK, I’ve got back pain: What’s the solution?

  • May 6: PANEL DISCUSSION on Essential Feldenkrais with CHRISTINA PETERSEN and ARLYN ZONES, Theatre Arts and Feldenkrais® Trainer (Arlyn is one spicy speaker with powerful vocals)

  • May 7: LINDA TELLINGTON-JONES, Connecting with cellular wisdom through Tellington TTouch®

  • May 7: PANEL DISCUSSION Theme: Somatics at Large with NICK STRAUSS-KLEIN and ELINOR SILVERSTEIN (great teachers both!)

  • May 8: TOM MYERS, The neuromyofascial web

  • May 9: ERIN GEESAMAN RABKE, Embodiment, compassion and ecology: A spiritually integrated approach to healing ourselves and our relationship with the world

  • May 10: FREDERICK SCHJANG, Creating communities of elders through ATM lessons (If only to hear him speak - do this session!)

  • May 10: ANAT BANIEL, What dare I wish for as I age?

Jacki Katzman