Seeing Clearly - 4 - Easy Seeing - Breath and Groove

Seeing Clearly - Lesson 4 - Easy Seeing

Find your groove, your deep space

The conscious mind is almost entirely housed in the muscles of the eyes - Milton Erickson

David Webber incorporated Buddhist practices into his Seeing Clearly system. While I can’t be certain, I think this lesson could be the one that he refers to.

Lesson 4 is about groove. And breath. Finding your way to the deep space of relaxed eyes is the happy outcome. We will be counting and breathing, rolling hands and tapping fingers.

Some of the lesson is written for prone: being on the belly. If that’s available to you, aim for the experience of feeling the inhaling ribs press into the floor and the shoulder blades freed for certain movements. Not doing prone today? Fine. Just remember to rotate your palms to the ceiling to get the same chest and shoulder configuration. That part is important.

This series is more like songs on an album than a developmental or cumulative approach. However, for our own science nerd pleasure, we will continue to look at the anatomy of the eye and take a few minutes to explore the nerves that enervate the muscles that surround the eyes.

Last week we took a look at how the tiny ciliary muscles focus the lens for near and distant vision:

The Curriculum Includes:

  • Our Eyes and Ourselves

  • Relaxed Eyes

  • Breathing to See

  • Easy Seeing

  • Improving Your Aim

  • Seeing Deeply

  • Integrating your vision

  • Wrapping it Up

David Webber overcame severe optic degeneration and shared his learning

Wednesdays | 9:30-10:15 AM and 6:30-7:15

How you might feel after this lesson:
Deep centering; Deep breath; Finding Rhythm in the breath; Eyes relaxed and soft; New focus.

Jacki Katzman