Multiple Planes of the elbow

3 D spiral.jpg

Multiple Planes

Intention Grounding, Direction:
Exploring movement in the vertical, horizontal and perpendicular axes for clear directional movement on the water, the road, the rock wall, and the green. 

It's another lesson borrowed from Classical Mechanics, Andrew Gibbons' series for musicians.  This week:  elbow circles define planes in space and the whole body follows. From the outside to the center, find clarity in movement and direction.
Proximal/Distal is an important concept in the Feldenkrais Method®.  'Proximal' refers to the center or core.  'Distal' the outer edges.  Moshe often designed lessons that direct force from the center of the body to the extremities.  He also used the extremities - hands, feet, head - to direct force through the center.  In this lesson, adapted for classical pianists, the hands, elbows and shoulders guide attention inward.

This lesson calls for a firm-seated chair without arms.  Starting with the hands, we gradually bring our attention from the edges of our perception to the support and strength of the core.  The elbows have a special role in this lesson, drawing circles in multiple planes to educate the core on effective direction of force and energy.

As many Feldenkrais teachers assert:  It's all about the pelvis!  Even when the focus is on the arms.  Let's find out how that works for you.  

Jacki Katzman