Interdependence on Multiple Planes - Feet, Hips, Shoulders, Hands and Head

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Feet, Hips, Shoulders, Head and Hands

Connection Fundamentals For All:
A seated or supine exploration of how lifting your hip flows through the entire body. Essential for any reaching, lifting, twisting, and all the combinations required in or on the water, on the green, in the mountains or on the road. Also in the kitchen, the garden, the car... 

It's another exploration of trajectories, planes of movement and how the spine wants to twist.  This lesson is best done on the back, but seated will also work.

This lesson is best done on the floor, lying on a yoga mat or rug. You can also be seated on firm chair, but I encourage trying it lying on your back.  We begin by exploring three different ways to lift the hip while lying on the back - another look at 'multiple planes' in a completely different orientation.  Eventually, we connect the hip to the shoulder to the hand to find how lifting the hip extends our reach.  Finally, as the spine finds its way into the twist, we add in the head and neck to really loosen up the ribs and reach to the max.   

Jacki Katzman