Move Better, Feel Better 2022 Summit - 48 Hours of Nonstop ATM With Teachers From Everywhere!

48 Hours of Nonstop Lessons with Favorite Teachers from All Over the World

Totally Free! May 1-2, 2022

Don’t miss Move Better, Feel Better: Around the World in 48 hours. On May 1-2 2022, attend free lessons taught by an incredible lineup of movement experts from 15 countries, all generously sharing their knowledge. It goes for 48 hours straight. Miss a lesson scheduled for 3:00 AM your time? No problem. Replays will be available for several days.

This is an unparalleled opportunity to check out the diversity of ATM teaching. As there's no possible way to catch it all. I've already said yes to the 'sign up now' offer to get the entire Summit recording: $48 for everything. That's $1/lesson. As if I don't already have way too many lessons to ever teach…

I’ll screen as many sessions as I can to help you prioritize which lessons most appeal.

Check out the information/Registration Web site - it’s pretty cool

Check out the Entire 48 Hour Schedule

P.S. For full transparency the above is an affiliate link. Attending the conference is free, but if you decide to upgrade for access after the conference is over, I may receive a portion of that sale. I pledge to plow any proceeds directly into Doctors Without Borders.

Jacki Katzman