June/July Series - ReCentering For Summer Sports (and Sanity)

June/July Series - ReCentering for Sports and Sanity

Lessons chosen to ground and center

Starts June 15

Feeling spun, off balance, akimbo, floating, sinking, dizzy, sunken? This series is to bring us back to center.

Each weekly lesson will superficially apply to favorite summer activities: kayaking and swimming will be on heavy playlists, along with stick and ball games for variety. gardening updates, body surfing to name a few.

But the underlying theme, essential for all sports and our collective sanity, will be centering.

We are all in different bodies than we inhabited a couple of years ago. More or less fit, more of less adipose, recovering from injuries new or old, different life circumstances and interests.

This is an invitation to sense into and re-inhabit your body as it is today; to discover what’s easy, what modifications let you move as you used to, where your skills have improved and you can safely advance.

This series will be a combination of familiar lessons presented to bring fresh insights, and a few new lessons I’ve been meaning to learn and teach. Science nerd candy and healing sounds included as appropriate.

Of course, student requests are always welcome.

Starts June 15. New Student Registration for the series. Continuing students use ongoing login. $40/month or $15/individual class. PayPal or Venmo: jackisue@aol.com. Or Jacki Katzman, PO Box 116, Bethlehem, NH 03574