The Root of All Movement: Rock Around The Pelvic Clock

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 The Root of All Movement: Rock Around The Pelvic Clock  

This week's classic Pelvic Clock lesson is, to many, THE foundational lesson. Moshe Feldenkrais originated the idea of using a clock on the floor to teach moving the pelvis around the spine.  Today, chiropractors teach it. Pilates instructors teach it.  There's even a pelvic clock product available on Amazon for just $74.99!     

Well, this is the source.  No purchase necessary.

This lesson starts on the back with an image of a clock under the tush.  After getting to know the 12-6 and 3-9 lines, we start circling the hips from 12 to 1 to 2 and back, and likewise around the clock face.  Sometimes we sit up and lie back down to feel the contrast of the hips on the floor and in gravity.  

Don't be shocked if this is way more challenging than you imagined.  There may be 'numbers' that are completely missing, or you may discover that you are a natural counter-clockwise person.  

This lesson is the root for just about everything. It's the secret to turning a kayak, swinging a tennis racquet or golf club, essential to seated twists. It is therapeutic for stiff low back, hip imbalances, and sacral-iliac piriformis pain.  There's also the obvious belly dance and hula hoop applications.  

Focus this week:  Rocking The Original Pelvic Clock 
How you might feel after this lesson:  Grounded; balanced side to side and front to back; low back and belly released; hips open and level; breath deep; hip flexors and piriformis released;  shoulders, chest and hips connected; ready to belly dance or any equivalent.

Distracted Zoomer Moment: From 3 to 9 on the Clock 

As of now, the stoplight moment has morphed into a "Distracted Zoomer Moment," where Zoom can be a positive trigger to explore movement.  Maybe the host is searching for the "share" button - try this.  Maybe while the person who can't figure out how to mute confounds the person trying to help - do this.

If you have 15 seconds, try this mini-lesson:  

  • Sit comfortably on a firm chair, with your thighs level with the ground. Your hands can rest in your lap.

  • Imagine sitting on a clock where the '3' is under your left sitz bone and the "9" is under the right.

  • Shift your weight from "3" to "9" side to side.  Soften your belly so the movement is easy. Maybe the ribs shift a little as you shift your weight horizontally side to side. How clear a line can you draw from "3" to "9" on the clock? 

  • Try inhaling as your shift your weight to one side, and exhale as you come through center.  Then use your breath to launch the weight shift.

  • Notice that one foot gets heavier as you shift from side to side.  Push with that foot to shift the weight.

  •  Now get up and check if there's anything new in the 'fridge.  Of course there isn't anything new in the fridge.!  But notice the new awareness of the connection of your feet, hips and breath as you walk.  Something new and no calories.

Jacki Katzman