Diagonals for Every Occasion 


Diagonals for Every Occasion: Hip to Opposite Shoulder |  Elbow to Opposite Knee 

Stability, Balance, Power:
Yoga twists, Kayak turns, Bike balances, Arena posting, General UnSlumping 

Is there any movement that isn't a diagonal? 

Reach your arm out.  A little further.  Notice the diagonal from hand to opposite shoulder?  How about the diagonal from the reaching shoulder to the opposite hip.  

If you didn't notice any diagonals, or your chest was stiff when you reached, rush past 'go' and schedule yourself for class on Wednesday or Thursday.  Time spent exploring these geometric body relationships can be profoundly worthwhile.   

This lesson starts sitting or lying down.  Lift one shoulder at a time and feel how that movement flows through your torso.  Then start connecting one shoulder to the opposite hip to find where the movement flows or stops.  To balance things, we connect the hip and shoulder on the same side - because those connections are always there too.  

Give yourself some time to reconnect your mind to body to explore a new (body) normal that's balanced, aware and ready to play.

Focus this week:  Diagonals for Any Occasion
How you might feel after this lesson:  Connected;  ribs soft and flexible, shoulders and neck relaxed;  longer reach;  settled into the hips;  surprisingly deep twist in the torso;  breath optimally matched to movement;  increased stamina for paddling or peddling;  more powerful golf or tennis stroke. 

If you have 15 seconds, try this mini-lesson:  

  • Sit comfortably on a firm chair, with your thighs level with the ground. Your hands can rest in your lap.

  • Imagine ribbons attached to your shoulders and hip bones.

  • Draw the ribbons on one side together to connect the same side corners.  Let your back arch, Notice how the upper ribs compress while you roll back on your sitting bones.

  • Now draw a pair of opposite ribbons together and notice how the shape of the back changes as you connect the opposite corners. Which side upper ribs compress?  

  • Pull the other same side corners together with the ribbons. Then do the other diagonal. 

  •  Now pull the all the ribbons towards each other at the same time.  Try to distinguish the different ribbon combinations.  One move, so many interpretations. Which are easiest for you?

  • Get up and check if anything has chanced outside.  No?  Me neither.  But bring your attention how the ribbons are working as you walk and notice if you feel just a little more upright.

Jacki Katzman