Gestures of Love - 2 - Center = Whole (Spine Like A Chain)

Gestures of Love - 2 - Center = Whole

Spine Like A Chain

Embody love as we wait to be reunited with our beloveds. This Awareness Through Movement® series progresses from Self Hugs to Sealed with a Kiss. Be ready for that wonderful moment when we can show our love up close and joyously.

If you break in the middle, you can't be there for yourself or others.  This week, we go deep into our center to hold it together, and get aligned top to bottom.  

Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold
— W. B. Yeats
If all I have to do this year is love, I’m good
— Christine

In other words, we are exploring the spine.  

This is a deceptively simple lesson.  Lie on your back and slowly, slowly, lift your spine vertebra by vertebra.  Maybe you've done something like this in yoga, but this will be a bit different. We will roll up the spine from the sacrum and down the spine from the neck.  

I've been practicing this all weekend.  Over time, things smoothed out.  I think I got a rib back into place and got a new insight into how to stop squeezing one glute in order to 'protect' my mis-aligned pelvis.  More work to go, and this is the lesson to work it out through.

This is a lie on your back lesson. Have any padding you might want for your low back or head, and a blankie and heavy socks if you tend to get cold.

How you might feel after this lesson: Clarified Center Line; Connected from Head to Toe; Renewed Awareness of Ribs; Spine Long and Relaxed; Tuned into Balances and Imbalances; CORE; Whole.

Jacki Katzman