From Mountain to Mat - It's in the hips

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From Mountain to Mat - It's in the hips

Did you happen to see this article about a guy learning to dance hula?  I love the image:  the fluid arms, the gentle swaying, the liquid hips. Expand the image to the North Country:  dancing down the mountain,  elegance in standing poses, following your steed's gait in perfect harmony.  

This guy adored it enough to stick with it the for the entire year it took him to  get the hip movements. If only he had studied Awareness Through Movement. Just a couple of lessons and he would have quantum leapt to the next level.

This week, in honor of guys who want to hula the gates, delight their dance partners, and be happier sitting;  to the yoginis looking to deepen their standing poses; to the equestrians looking to communicate more through the saddle; to  the belly dancers looking to refine their moves - the Figure Eight Hip lesson.

This lesson starts lying on your back but shifts to sitting now and then.  We begin making circles around each sit bone, then create side-to-side half circles, big circles, and elegant figure eights.  Don't like the floor?  A chair offers a different, equally valuable experience.

Focus this week:  Figure Eight Hips
How you might feel after this lesson:  hips connected front, back and side to side; connection of hip movement and breath;  relieved lower back discomfort; connections between hips, shoulders and head; more comfortable sitting; more interactive Valentine's Day celebrations.

Jacki Katzman