From Mountain to Mat - Connect the Wrist and Shoulder All the Way Up and Around

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From Mountain to Mat - Connect the Wrist and Shoulder All the Way Up and Around

An injured shoulder can affect your wrists. Carpal Tunnel and Tendonitis can do a number on your whole body.  Wrists connect to shoulders connect to the shoulder blades and clavicles and ribs. And when was the last time you paid attention to your wrists?

This week, an oddball wrist/shoulder workout.  We will be using the elbows as leverage points to work the wrists and shoulders.  The lesson starts on the back with arms under the body, and gradually develops more movement in the shoulders, back and wrists by upping the goofiness of the movements.  Isolated bits can be really helpful at your desk when you've overdone it with the keyboard, or on the mountain with a clearer connection from hand to shoulder to back to pelvis.  In yoga, find more support in arm balances and flexibility in asanas with wraps.  

Focus this week:  Connecting the Wrist and Shoulder All the way up and around
How you might feel afterwards:  more flexible wrists, new broadness in the back to dig into turns, deeper breath through softer ribs front and back, more circular movement in shoulders, isolate and identify the hara/tan dien/core, get a good giggle at a series of really silly movement.

Jacki Katzman