From Caterpillars to Cocoons (3 of 8)

From Caterpillars to Cocoons

Who can work with so much going on?


Caterpillars are captivating. The eight that I shepherded through their milkweed munching phase have vanished. I have found three cocoons. One is intelligently latched onto the window jamb, safe from weather and predators. Another is hanging from the edge of the shingles, also protected from weather, sun and things that bite. The last I have found so far is brilliantly camouflaged in the aster just inside the stairs.

I keep hunting for the others. Watching them hatch is a selfish thrill. in the meantime, all the invasive milkweed that I grew hope against hope of seeking a monarch have been ripped out., with the exception of a few with milkweed pods, another source of endless fascination.

Jacki Katzman