From Core to Floor - 6 - Any Time, Any Where (Practical Pelvic Floor Practice)

From Core to Floor - 6 - Any Time, Any Place Practical Pelvic Floor Practice

A Pelvic Floor Revue

Based on “ATM 6 - Everyday Movements and the Pelvic Floor” from “Pelvic Floor: Discover, Integration and Power” as taught by Deborah Bowes, GCFT®

Supergirl and the natural length of the abs

This busy lesson, or collection of ‘mini-lessons’ recaps the series’ major themes and suggests every day opportunities to notice/consciously activate the pelvic floor: standing in line, sitting in a waiting room, watching screens or otherwise just reclining, walking. It’s a menu of mix and match of moments to tune into the coordinated movement of the pelvic bones, thing and abdominal muscles, spine and low back muscles, breath and glutei that sum up to the pelvic floor system.

Themes included in this “greatest hits” collection include:

  • Standing sensing of the resting length of the abdominals (super girl stance)

  • Sensing when the pelvic floor activates when weight shifting forward and backwards (amplified by book learning)

  • Consciously activating the pelvic floor when standing from sitting and sitting from standing (amplified by book learning)

  • Pelvic floor to knee/chin connections - walking and weight shifting (in lying for simplicity)

  • Glute and pelvic floor activation in chair sitting (with helpful folded towel padding if desired) and standing (whoop!)

As with any lesson, take the parts you like, ignore the parts you don’t. Allow yourself to take a wholistic view of the pelvic floor allowing your body to find the easiest way. Let new connections connect. Let old blocks and unnecessary movements disappear.

Set Up:

  • Small Weight: a comfortably sized weight to amplify awareness while sitting and standing - a book is convenient

  • Small Towel: a dish or hand-sized towel to fold on your chair for padding

  • Have a mat for lying on your back

  • A flat-bottom, armless chair for the seated sections

  • A place to stand easily - with the option of a little support if desired

How you might feel after this lesson: Tuned into the pelvic floor activation in all relationships to gravity and movement; Able to consciously activate the pelvic floor for strength, support, power; Alert to situations where you are overusing muscles, and able to apply relaxation to return to neutrality; Growing consciousness of how the pelvic floor system underlies just about everything; Alert to the pelvic alignments that allow the squishy parts to lie naturally, without getting squashed; Clued in to discretely practicing pelvic floor activation whenever, wherever; Grateful to your present self for setting your future self up for long-term control and continence.

If you have a Wednesday 9:30 am or 6:30 pm class registration, keep using it. If you were registered for the 12:00 pm Wednesday session, you’ll need to register. Registered, paid students receive the lesson recording link on Thursday. $40/month, $15/single lesson. PayPal: Venmo: . Or check to Jacki Katzman, PO Box 116, Bethlehem, NH 03574

For new student registration, Click Here