Back to Live Classes - Studium - Mindful May - "No Crunch Abs 2 - Moon Over Mountain"

The first session of “No Crunch Abs” lessons, a new offering for Studium’s “Mindful May” program, was an eye-opener. Each student discovered she had a different way of using her neck and shoulders to compensate for her abs.

The runner student’s upper back and neck pulled tightly forward. The driver’s shoulders were hunched. The mom who picks things up off the floor had a tender low back and rigid neck. The hiker held her head forward, which was affecting her knees. All these adaptions, these ways of using the neck and shoulders to hold up the head and torso, are brilliant solutions to the problem of being upright. But not optimal for moving with grace and ease.

The first lesson was about connecting the breath to the low back, neck and abs: finding the rhythm of the breath, and the natural coordination of the head and pelvis. Seemingly simple. Surprisingly interesting.

The next session will pick up where we were - bringing attention to the breath, chin, low back and pelvis - to tune into when the abs are working, if the low back is habitually tight. Letting the neck relax, along with strengthening the abs. That may be enough, and, in fact, a big ‘aha.’

Progressing, it’s the moon over mountain lesson, where the weight and alignment of the legs provide a safe, whole-body approach to strengthening the abs.

Please, no crunches” is a balanced, low-stress strengthening program for better posture, internal organ support, and handsome obliques. Take that to your bike, paddleboard, yoga mat, tennis court, frisbee field, piano, or local playground with your favorite kids.

Thanks to Studium manager Beth Hibshman for bringing Awareness Through Movement® to her Studium community.