Back On Our Feet - 7 - Plant to Twist
Back On Our Feet - 7 - Plant to Twist
From Foot to Spine to Ribs to Turn
Based on “The Coachman” by Gaby Yaron
Continuing the connection of feet to whole self, this week is about the eyes behind your head, or at least the eyes atop a body that turns deeply to look far behind.
The obvious application is backing up or parallel parking your car. Even if you have the backup camera, you still have to look. Turning your neck will only get you so far. It’s when you engage the pelvis and the entire length of the spine - with a turn of the ribs - that you get a really good, full field-of-vision look. And what moves the spine?
This lesson is grounded in gravity. We are sitting with feet firmly planted on the ground.
This lesson shares components with last week’s exploration. It begins with the feet ‘rocking the rocking chair’ of the sit bones to release and align the spine.
But where last week the energy from the feet was directed forward for standing, this take elongates the spine forward and then, with a press of the foot, lifts one side of the pelvis allowing the entire torso and head to twist. A little support of the exhale and pelvic floor, a bit more relaxation in the ribs, and the twist gets even twistier.
Another difference between this and many other lessons involves which hip lifts when “its'“ foot is planted. Usually the foot pressing lifts the same side hip. Not in this case. In this variation the opposite hip unweights. The opposite ribs come together. The same side ribs expand to create length in the spine, and space for the head to turn in the opposite direction. (Sounds more complicated than it is) Reminding us: when it comes to the human body, there is no one ‘right’ way to do anything.
There are optional rests in walking and standing. At the end, we may get down on hands and knees to relive that moment when crawling became a possibility.
More places to apply this flow: on the green, in the kayak, on the bike, on the clay. Change the orientation, find yourself in the kitchen and reach that thing on the top shelf. On the yoga mat, this strengthens triangle and warrior poses.
No Science Nerd candy this week. Nothing really fit the bill.
A subtle application of this lesson - turning the whole torso to look behind.
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The Voice-O-Meter choices this week relate to the shape of the spine in different positions, and where the weight centers on the foot:
Kidney/Bladder - CHOOO - releasing cold, fear, contraction - when twisting the lower spine
Heart - HAAAAA - releasing hate and impatience, making space for love - when opening the chest
Lung - SSSSSS - releasing
Liver - SHHHHHH - releasing anger and steam - when twisting right
Stomach - HAWWW - releasing anxiety, grounding - when twisting left
How You Might Feel After This Lesson: Tuned into how freedom in the sit bones enables turning; Alert to how extending the spine enables deeper turns; Reminded of the role of the entire pelvic floor in supporting a flexible upper body; Exquisitely aware of how the medial arches of the feet relate to the spine in arching and twisting; Sensitive to how the feet coordinate in twisting; Alert to the connections between the ‘domes’ of the feet and the pelvis, especially the pelvic floor; Connected from toes to crown in sitting and standing; Long and tall; Grounded; Stronger golf swing and turns on skis, more powerful kayak strokes, better able to hold your string or wind instrument.
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