Back On Our Feet - 6 - Floor It To Stand

child in pink snowsuit reaching from a squat

Back On Our Feet - 6 - Floor It To Stand

From Foot to Spine to Standing

Based on “Sit to Stand With Feet“ as taught by Alan Questel GCFT®

A little anatomical comparison: when the spine is it’s ‘locked in’ configuration, the upward force from the ground travels smoothly from the pelvis to the torso and head. When the medial arch of the foot is ‘locked in,’ the foot also cleanly transmits forces from the ground up to the pelvis. When the spine is it’s flexible configuration, the upper body can twist, swoop, dive, arch, reach, etc. - strictly human moves. The relaxed, soft foot easily adjusts to the terrain below, enabling the uniquely human biped stance.

Test the theory that the configurations of foot and spine correlate. “Floor It To Stand” is a sitting-on-a-stool-to-standing exploration of the biomechanics of elegantly rising from a chair.

How arch of foot and spine relate

How the arch of the foot and the spine relate in (this interpretation of) foot reflexology. source:

Begin in sitting. Feeling into and loosen the spine and foot with an easy rocking on the sit bones. How does the pelvis relate to the heel? Then reverse the motion by arching the back and note how the feet respond. There are deeper twists of the arched back and an invitation to shift the center of gravity way forward. At the transitions between steps, test your biomechanics by standing. And, at each junction, see what it’s like to increasingly open the ankle to fully sense how the center of gravity shifts over the foot as you stand with an ever-elongating back.

How weight moves across the foot in standing/walking

How weight shifts over the foot in standing and walking - ideally

Set Up:

  • Seated on a flat-seated, armless chair. Sit on or support feet with a folded blanket or towel to make the thighs and hips level.

Science Nerd Candy

Young Audrey Hepburn gets ready to stand - maybe the frog is a prince just waiting

Young Audrey Hepburn in CA, ready to stand. She just needs to get her feet in front of her… Source:

The Voice-O-Meter choices this week relate to the shape of the spine in different positions, and where the weight centers on the foot:

  • Lung - SSSSSSSS - releasing grief, making room for courage

  • Kidney/Bladder - CHOOO - releasing cold, fear, contraction

  • Heart - HAAAAA - releasing hate

How You Might Feel After This Lesson:  Tuned into how freedom in the sit bones enables easier standing; Exquisitely aware of how the medial arches of the feet relate to the spine; Alert to the connections between the ‘domes’ of the feet and the pelvis, especially the pelvic floor; Primed with a new way of standing from sitting; Connected from toes to crown in sitting and standing; Long and tall; Grounded; Stronger golf swing and turns on skis, more powerful kayak strokes, better able to hold your string or wind instrument.

New Student Registration for the series. Continuing students use ongoing login. $40/month or $15/individual class. PayPal or Venmo: Or Jacki Katzman, PO Box 116, Bethlehem, NH 03574

Recordings for the series here.

Jacki Katzman