Awareness in the Sanctuary 2022 - Yearning - 3 - Heart as Compass
Awareness in the Sanctuary 2022 - Yearning - 3 - Heart As Compass
“Jewish ethics is about action, not intention. The practical can also be the spiritual with intention. This week the intention is dual: have a deep, satisfying upper back stretch, and focus awareness on the heart.”
Body-Based Meditations to align with that which we yearn for
Based on the “Sweater Lesson” by Eileen Bach y Rita
“Jews are sometimes called the “people of the book,” but they are equally the people of the body.” - Jay Michealson, “God in the Body”
The practical can also be the spiritual with intention. This week the intention is dual: have a deep, satisfying upper back stretch, and focus awareness on the heart.
This is a seated lesson and accessible to all. We sit on a comfortable, firm seat. The lesson builds from feeling the connection from hand to heart, develops to a tender self-hug with elbows crossed, to arching into an upper back stretch that feels wonderful while opening the chest and heart.
Whether you want a simple exercise to release shoulder and neck tension or seek to open your hear to inner longings, this is a good approach. Please join us.
Align your senses and body with your inner sun, Thursdays in July, 9:30 AM, in the BHC Sanctuary and by Zoom (register here):
July 21 - Session 3: Inner compass
July 28 - Session 4: Inner alignment
Awareness Through Movement® is Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais’ life work and gift to humanity. The practice is a form of body-based meditation of simple, small, and extreme low-impact movements. Enjoy these lessons as a gift from Bethlehem Hebrew Congregation to our friends and neighbors.
The BHC summer Feldenkrais series, Awareness in the Sanctuary, is in its fifth year. Lessons are appropriate for people of all abilities, body types, levels of fitness, faiths and spiritual orientations. Led by BHC member and Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner® Jacki Katzman with special introductions by Rabbi Donna Kirshbaum.
Lessons are free. Please consider a donation to Bethlehem Hebrew Congregation. Suggested donation $15/lesson. Send checks to Bethlehem Hebrew Congregation, PO Box 395, Bethlehem NH 03574. Or online.