full circle
From beginning to end and back, three dimensional awareness, the space around us, how widely we see. This season’s lessons a centered on the concept of the circle. As always, we refer to the pelvic floor, the breath, and aim for balance, and grace.
Full Circle - 1 - Diaphragm in the Round
Both Sides Now
Based on “Quadrant Breathing,” attributed (maybe) to Jeff Haller, GCFT®
Feel into the diaphragm itself: down from the ‘top’ as it presses into the belly on the inhale and releases upward on the exhale, ‘up’ from the abdomen as the diaphragm lifts on the exhale and squeezes and massages the organs when we breathe in. And do it in the round.
Set Up for Supine and Side-lying:
Lie on floor with support for head and legs as needed. You may want some extra under-head padding for a short, optional side-lying interlude
Sit on a firm, stable chair
How you might feel after this lesson: Longer; More open; Sitting and standing taller; Aware of your back ribs and spine; Connected; Calm.
Full Circle - 2 - Baby Curl
The Way Out Is In - Curl up to open
Based on “Fetal Curl Lesson” as taught by Alan Questel
Curl up like a baby. Start in long-leg side-lying, and gradually bring the knees and head together, with interludes of deep rib and diaphragm breathing. The spine opens and opens, superseding slumping shoulders, deflated chest. From in we go out - and open up with a long spine and open ribs.
Set Up for Side-lying:
Lie on floor with support for head and legs as needed. You may want some extra under-head padding for a short, optional side-lying interlude
Sit on a firm, stable chair
Full Circle - 3 - Baby Ball - Curl Up Tighter
Curl up to open
Based on “Fetal Curl” and “Nourishment” lessons as taught by Alan Questel
As Thich Nhat Hanh says “the out is in.” Our pre-Thanksgiving session combines last week’s ‘fetal curl’ / diaphragm lesson with full regression: the primal movement of mouths seeking, reaching nourishment. In other words - sucking.
Set Up for Side-lying:
Lie on floor with support for head and legs as needed. You may want some extra under-head padding for a short, optional side-lying interlude. Have enough space around you to curl up into a little ball.
Sit on a firm, stable chair
How you might feel after this lesson: Longer; Yourself as your inner child; Soft lips, eyes, jaw; Open; Breathing deeply; Aware of your back ribs and spine; Connected; Calm
Read the full lesson post here
Tine has it all connected
Full Circle - 4 - Looping Eyes, Knees and Head Together
Align for grace
Based on “Integrating the Eyes, Jaw, Head and Knees” lesson as taught by Al Wadleigh GCFT®
This lesson takes familiar - and natural - patterns of eyes leading full body movement and messes with them. Several of my Feldenkrais training colleagues use this lesson to diminish oncoming migraine headaches.
Set Up for a Supine lesson:
Lie on floor with support under head or legs as needed to keep the neck and low back long and relaxed
OR Sit on a firm, stable chair with knees and hips level
Full Circle - 5 - Baby Steps
Spiraling back to the beginning
Based on David Zemach-Berson’s “Liberate Your Mouth and Jaw – Introductory Lesson”
‘Baby Steps’ refers to the primordial movements, and the intuitive connection of the feet to the mouth, jaw, and head that develop way before crawling is a twinkle in a baby’s eye. Also, to be in total harmony with ourselves, we can ‘walk like the Buddha.’
Full Circle - 6 - Baby Steps Continued - Big Head, Slippery Feet
Mixed metaphors to elongate the neck, soften the hips
Based on “Painting with Your Feet - AY111” as taught by Anna Johnson, GCFT®
This lesson circles back to your baby-self’s first attempts to lift your head, combined with “Painting with Your Feet,” breathing and the pelvic floor.
The result, I hope, will be a better understanding of lengthening the whole spine, especially the neck, using “ballerina” and Modern Dancer” feet as the ‘aha moment’ drivers. Also, I hope to amplify the hip release that some of you reported after last week’s “Baby Steps” lesson.
Set Up for a Supine and Prone lesson:
Lie on floor with support under head or legs as needed to keep the neck and low back long and relaxed, with some optional padding for the prone (belly down) segment
Slippery socks or mat might be helpful for this lesson
If you tie your hair in clips, you might want to take them out for this one - lots of head nods, rolls and slides
OR Sit on a firm, stable chair with knees and hips level
How you might feel after this lesson: Longer; Open; Breathing deeply; Aware of your back ribs and spine; Hips and low back relaxed; New sensation of a long and elegant neck; New awareness of how the diaphragm, ribs and spine interact in breathing.