Nothing is permanent about our behavior patterns except our belief that they are so.
— Moshe Feldenkrais

 Feldenkrais Method® private sessions, known as Functional Integration® (FI®) lessons, help students go deeper into developing their body awareness, with the focus on finding ways to do the things they love to do more easily and comfortably. Jacki Katzman is now offering private, one-on-one FI sessions to students in the North Country and Northeast Kingdom.

FI lessons leverage the nervous system's innate ability to learn. In a typical private lesson, the student lies fully clothed on a low, padded table; various props provide additional comfort and support. (When appropriate, students might alternatively sit or kneel.) The Feldenkrais teacher’s gentle touch guides the student to recognize and release non-productive movement patterns, and suggests new, more comfortable, efficient, and useful movement options.

Lessons last approximately 1 hour. First time students should plan on an introductory 90-minute “get to know you" session. Most people find that three sessions provide enough information to decide if the Feldenkrais Method works for them.

Lessons are given at Barnet Tradepost Wellness Center, 64 Monument Circle, Barnet, VT 05821, and at Iyengar Yoga North, 23 Amonoosuc Street, Littleton, NH 03561.
