Triangle Arms - softer hips, shoulders and back


“Triangle Arms” is a classic Awareness Through Movement® lesson. Its formal name, “Flexors and Extensors” refers to the way the spine will ultimately relax. Flexors are the muscles that allow the spine to round, extensors help round the back. Do the lesson and you’ll see the reference. More practically, the lesson helps people with hip and shoulder issues get more softness in those areas, and find alternate, more comfortable ways of moving using the whole body. Twists get much easier - and so do your kayak strokes, golf swing, yoga twists, glancing in the rear view mirror. Try it!

If you only have 15 seconds:

  • Sit with your arms crossed in front of you, palms on opposite shoulders, in a hug. Let the back round and let your hands guide you to roll side to side. Let the back of the chair help you spread the space between the shoulder blades. Feel the movement down into the hips.

  • OR: Lying on your back, knees up, feet standing. Drape one leg over the other and tip both knees to the top leg side. Keep feet on the floor. Notice what its like to feel both hips acting together.

Lesson Summary - my favorite of several versions I’ve learned:

1)    Lie on Back.  Listen for tension, where you are working.  Sharp feelings or lifted off floor. Shape of spine.

2)    Stand feet comfortably.  Explore Right Leg (only) movement in Hip

a)     Move both knees R & L from your hip joints, don’t move your pelvis…

b)    Bring legs far apart, Move R leg in different positions and feel in hip joint

c)     Bring legs close together, Move R leg in and out, feel  hip joint…

3)    same with L leg.  Wide apart, left leg tips left;  legs closer together and tip left leg in and out

4)    Stand both feet, bring legs together, apart, from different widths. Tip legs apart, together, L&R.

5)     Cross R leg over L at knee. Legs overlap, arms at sides.  Explore tipping legs RIGHT.

a)     Move both legs to the Right.  Pelvis lifts as hip joints cannot move.  Tiny movements first.  Slowly let the tipping go further. 

b)    Notice movement in low back, middle back, upper back, all the way to head.

c)     Rest

6)    Stand feet, place them comfortably,  Create arm triangle and explore tipping LEFT.

a)     ARM TRIANGLE: arms in front of you palm to palm, fingers toward ceiling, elbows straight.

b)     ARMS ONLY MOVE: lower hands to L while bending elbows and sliding hands, elbows bend. NO MOVEMENT in SPINE.

c)     ARMS AND ELBOWS ONLY: Arm triangle, fingers slide, elbows bend. movement is in shoulders and arms only.

d)    SHOULDERS ROLL: Glue hands together and elbows straight and take arms to L.  Spine engages.

7)    Stand feet, cross R leg over L and tilt legs to RIGHT and back to center.  .

a)     Follow movement from knees to pelvis and up spine.

b)    Exhale as legs return.  Inhale on tilt

8)    LEFT Let Over Right.  Arms at side. Tilt LEFT and allow pelvis to roll left.

a)     Right leg seems to get longer with tilt.  Exhale on tilt.

b)    Left Hip gets heavier, right shoulder rolls off floor, head may roll too.

c)     Rest.  Notice shape of spine, throat, nape, head

d)    Tilt again, notice chin and chest movements.

9)    Arm Triangle, Legs standing – not crossed – ARMS RIGHT

a)     Notice shoulders, breath, movement of legs in hip socket.

b)    Rest on back, side or front as you like.  Scan points of contact.

c)     LEFT leg  over RIGHT, Tilt LEFT and note change after arms going in opposite direction.

10) Cross RIGHT over left. TILT RIGHT.

a)     interlace hands behind head, hold elbows to floor,  tilt legs to RIGHT and let them rest

b)    Exhale as lift head to center with elbows coming together. Several times.

c)     Rest with legs bent or long.  Notice changes in chest.

11) Bend knees, don’t cross. Cross arms in a hug. One arm on top of the other, hold shoulders on back. 

a)     Roll shoulders side to side.  Let hands help the rolling.  Legs don’t move.

b)    Head and eyes roll with shoulders.

c)     Repeat rolling quick and light.  Do you prefer one side?

d)    Rest with legs long.

12) Stand feet. Change the ARM cross and repeat. 

a)     Try keeping head still, allow it to move, then keep still again.

b)    Rest and notice shape of spine.  Head, and all that stuff.

c)     Another hug, palms sense the shoulders, roll head and shoulders together

d)    Roll head and shoulders opposite, then together again

e)    Scan. Roll head. Notice ribs and spine.

Stand up, walk around, notice your hips over your feet, your shoulders over your hips, and your head riding on top. Try your kayak stroke, your golf swing, your yoga twist or something else you love to do and enjoy the freedom in your body!
