Move Those Legs - from the Ribs (and turn that ski, whack that ball!)

Leg circles - from the Ribs.png

This Flexible Chest lesson is great for golfers, skiers and people whose knees might bother them, and still want to play. Notice how when your leg turns out, the chest on that side wants to open? When the leg turns in, the ribs on the that side come together? Try this lesson, and more from each leg movement.

1.     Sit up on the floor and support your weight on your hands.  Draw a circle on the floor with right foot.

a.     Where does your attention go?  100% to foot? To leg? How about the rest of your body?

2.     Bend right knee out so the heel comes in,

a.      Rotate around the heel circling from top to bottom.  Then shift your weight in a way that helps free up the foot and knee. The weight follows the knee.

b.     Bend the knee inward, shift weight across, and the heel makes the outside part of the circle.  How do the ribs come into play?

c.     Rest on back.

3.     Same on Left – left knee outward, heel inward

a.     Draw a circle with the heel inward. Shift weight to that side

b.     Draw other side of circle with knee inward, heel outward, weight follows knee.  Chest involve

c.     Rest on back.

4.     Return to sitting with hands behind your.  Circle foot SLOWLY

a.     Knee beginning inward, foot outward.

b.     Let the ribs, pelvis, even head become involved.

c.     Knee goes outward, heel inward

Interlude: measure the sternum’s length from the thumb to middle finger. Notice how it can move

d.     Pick a leg, and a circle direction, and experience how the sternum moves.   Rest.

5.     Long legs with feet together, arms support body from behind.  Make a BIG circle with the feet together.  Okay to bend knees. Notice how the chest, ribs, sternum, shoulder blades are contribute.
Rest on back.

a.     Return to sitting, legs long, ankles together, arms supporting.  BIG circle. Notice when back rounds and when front opens.

b.     Rest on back.

6.     Roll onto tummy.  Rest forehead on overlapped hands.  Legs long and comfortably separated.

a.     Lift Right heel,  make a circle in space and whole front feels the movement.  Softens.

b.     Rest with legs down, head turned comfortably. Notice breathing.

c.     Forehead back on hands.  Circle Right foot in other direction.

                                               i.     Notice twist of pelvis and follow the movement up the spine

d.     Change to the left leg. Right leg goes long. The left leg circles.

                                               i.     The weight of the leg helps move the pelvis, the ribs.

                                             ii.     Chest pressing into the floor helps you sense the ribs, chest

e.     Change direction of left leg circle.

f.      Rest on back.  Sense the chest, belly, breath.

7.     Roll onto tummy.  Head resting on stacked hands. Bend knees and bring feet together at ankles and knees.

a.     Make a circle with the joined legs. Okay for a knee to lift off floor.  Not ABOUT circling the legs, but feeling the movement up the spine. If low back issues, make it smaller, try pressing in with the chest.

b.     Rest on back.  Has chest been affected by pressure and movement between ribs?

c.     Return to starting position. Change direction of circle.  Knees lifting relieves back pressure.

8.     Arms in push up position.  Rock knees side to side.  Then, when legs at one side, look over one shoulder.  Choose the one that makes sense.  Both directions are right.  Looking over the opposite shoulder is easier. Then rest on back.

9.     Roll onto tummy.  Head resting on stacked hands. Bend knees and bring feet together at ankles and knees.

a.     Circle to the right. Feel the movement up the back. Let the knee lift. 

b.     Change direction of the circle.  Everything moves relative to shoulders.

c.     Rest on back.

10.  Sit up, arms supporting body from behind. Legs long.  Make the circle as before and notice any changes in the movement of ribs and chest.   Roll around the sit bones.  Other direction. Rest on back.

11.  Sit up, arms supporting body from behind.  Feet and knees together.  Tilt legs right and left.  Let yourself be TALLER when knees approach floor.

12.  Sitting position.  Knees apart.  Circle around the right foot with knee moving.  Notice weight shift, chest engagement.

a.     Same, Left foot circles with knee moving.

b.     Rest. Roll head side to side – has movement changed the neck’s flex?

13.  Roll to side. Stand.  Walk around. Notice your posture.

Jacki Katzman