Move Better, Feel Better | Feldenkrais Awareness Summit | 35 Free Sessions with Movement and Wellbeing Experts

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Meet some of the top Feldenkrais teachers worldwide during this FREE online summit. 

Some of the sessions that I'm planning to drop in on or catch the 24-hour free replay include:

  • May 2:  VLADIMIR LATOCHA , Feldenkrais® for swimmers

  • May 2:  KARIN MAJOR, Horse riders, develop your partnership, skill and feel

  • May 3:  ALAN QUESTEL, Liking your self more. (Alan is terrific and funny and my training director!)

  • May 4: NADIA GENOIS, Pole dancing meets Feldenkrais®: A happy but not so obvious encounter

  • May 5:  MERCEDES (DIDI) VON DECK, I’ve got back pain: What’s the solution?

  • May 6: PANEL DISCUSSION on Essential Feldenkrais with CHRISTINA PETERSEN and ARLYN ZONES, Theatre Arts and Feldenkrais® Trainer (Arlyn is one spicy speaker with powerful vocals)

  • May 7: LINDA TELLINGTON-JONES, Connecting with cellular wisdom through Tellington TTouch®

  • May 7: PANEL DISCUSSION Theme: Somatics at Large with NICK STRAUSS-KLEIN and ELINOR SILVERSTEIN (great teachers both!)

  • May 8: TOM MYERS, The neuromyofascial web

  • May 9: ERIN GEESAMAN RABKE, Embodiment, compassion and ecology: A spiritually integrated approach to healing ourselves and our relationship with the world

  • May 10: FREDERICK SCHJANG, Creating communities of elders through ATM lessons (If only to hear him speak - do this session!)

  • May 10: ANAT BANIEL, What dare I wish for as I age?

    Whew! And that's just a sampling of the diversity of applications of the Feldenkrais Method. Enjoy these resources while freely available.

    Learn more and Register here

Jacki Katzman