More Women Discover Their Pelvic Floors - The Guardian

Pelvic Health and Awareness is showing more and more frequently in the media. Since I started guiding classes on Deborah Bowes’ Pelvic Health and Awareness series of six developmental lessons, The Cut published Why Did No One Tell Me About the Pelvic Floor? NYT In Her Words Newsletter: ‘We Don’t Have to Put Up With This’: A Candid Conversation About Bodies’ interviews two authors who have dedicated themselves to pelvic floor education.

Now, from The Guardian The big squeeze: welcome to the pelvic floor revolution, by Emine Saner, another article about blooming pelvic floor awareness.

A few excerpts:

Michelle Yeoh is the real deal martial artist with some clear pelvic floor awareness.  source: Rottentomotos. com

Michelle Yeoh is the real deal martial artist with some clear pelvic floor awareness. source: Rottentomotos. com

Nobody in the world of pelvic floor health would say the increased awareness is a bad thing – up to a third of women will experience a pelvic floor problem – but numerous surveys show many women have no idea what it is or its purpose. One survey of 1,000 women found one in six didn’t know where it was, and a quarter didn’t know what it did.

“It’s a part of the body people haven’t been given nearly enough information about for years,” says Amanda Savage, a pelvic health physiotherapist. “The wonderful thing about pelvic health is there are a lot of things you can do that will improve the situation, through natural methods – exercise, diet, knowing how to help your bowel empty well, knowing how the bladder fills and empties. There’s a lot one can do to help oneself. It’s a shame when people haven’t found out about those things they could be doing, and they are like, ‘Why did nobody tell me this 10 years ago?’”

— The Guardian, The big squeeze: welcome to the pelvic floor revolution, 29 Apr 2021

I’ve offered this series three times. Some students have really gone for it, downloading the lesson recordings for more practice. In fact, tuning into your pelvic floor, feeling yourself expand with breath, finding the side muscles, and how the whole system, including the glutes and eyes, takes time. Time to feel, then to build, and finally to manage consciously.

But wait, there’s more! There’s a second series of complimentary lessons to bring power to the pelvic floor system. Look for the 2021 schedule.

Jacki Katzman