Hope lies with disciplined nonconformists

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Source: MLK Library Quotes via MLK Library

[The status quo] doesn’t change because the status quo sub-committee had a meeting and decided to change it.

It changes when someone decides that the way things are around here needs to change, and simply and bravely begins to do something differently.

And then someone else follows along.

Yes, it bends toward justice. But only if we help. Only if we lead.
— Seth Godin, The way things are, Blog post 17 January 2022
Nothing is permanent about our behavior patterns except our belief that they are so.
— Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais

I couldn’t say it better, so I didn’t try. I’ll simply add my observations that in challenging ourselves to eliminate blocks and seek greater ease, ATM students contribute to collective change. Lead from within.

Jacki Katzman