Defuse Your Migraine

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Today's New York Times featured an article on migraines:

"If you live with or work with someone who suffers from migraine, there’s something very important you should know: A migraine is not “just a headache,” as many seem to think. Nor is it something most sufferers can simply ignore and get on with their lives."

"Migraine is a neurological disorder characterized by recurrent attacks of severe, often incapacitating headache and dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, which controls the body’s myriad automatic activities like digestion and breathing... 
Translation: Migraine is a headache, all right, but with body-wide effects because the brain converses with the rest of the body.

If you or someone you know experiences migraines, you will be so grateful for this easy to learn and remember lesson.  It's a lifesaver for TMJ, eyestrain and general headaches too.  Extra benefit:  this exercise deeply relaxes the face and is a beauty tool in its own right.   

Students lie on the floor or sit in a chair, and move eyes, jaw, knees and head to defuse the nervous system patterns that build up into headaches.  

Stop Light Mini Lesson: TMJ Away

Look straight ahead if you do this in the car.  This mini lesson helps relax the jaw during the day, or the morning after a gnashing night.

If you have 15 seconds, try this mini-lesson:  

  • Slide your jaw to the right and back to center - several times.   

  • Look to the right and back several times.

  • Slide both your jaw and eyes to the right at the same time.

  • Slide your jaw to the right, and look in the opposite direction.

  • Same thing to the left, slide the jaw, slide the eyes. Then slide the jaw in one direction with your eyes going the other way. 

Jacki Katzman