Deep Breath Connections

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Using Your Breath to Connect to Your Core:
An usual breathing exploration for singers, athletes, and people who inhale and exhale

This week,  we go to my favorite Awareness Through Movement® breath lesson for calm and connection.

Every practice - from martial arts to music to theater to Reiki to meditation to skiing to swimming and more - has breathing exercises. This is my all time favorite.  

Where do you feel your inhale?  Where does your exhale originate?  Do you feel the front of your chest more than the back when you breathe?  Does your breath fill both lungs fully? Does your breath help you ground and center?  These are the themes of this 'quadrant breathing' lesson.

This lesson calls for a firm-seated chair and your imagination.  We will breathe into "different parts" of the lungs in a big circle, connecting into our habits around breath and creating new options for inhaling deeply and exhaling fully.

I learned this lesson from voice and Feldenkrais Method® Margo Hennenbach, whose "Go Sing Yourself" program is delightful, and not just for singers. (She let me take it!) It's more than just a vocal warmup.  When I catch myself holding my breath, have pre-meeting jitters, or am staring down a steep ski slope that looks steeper today, I do quick cycle of breathing front to back, side to side, up and down, and around the circle to trick myself into calm.

The Wednesday afternoon class highlights the lesson's practical applications. The evening session is more internally, meditatively focused.  The Friday morning FaceBook Live session is specially designed for adaptive athletes and their sports partners and focuses on shared outdoor activities.

Wednesday, May 27, 12:15-1:15 PM
Click this link to  Zoom into Deep Breath Connections
Click here to add the weekly session to your calendar

Wednesday, May 27, 6:30-7:30 PM
Click this Zoom link to Deep Breath Connections
Click here to add the weekly session link to your calendar

Friday, May 29, 11:00 AM Adaptive SportsNut Edition Drop (now with captions)
Click this link to enjoy the lesson at Facebook Live Adaptive Sports Partners' site
Check out the previous weeks' Lessons Here

Focus this week:  Deep Breath Connections
How you might feel after this lesson:  Calm; sitting tall and regally;  voice full and strong;  centered front to back and side to side;  chest expanded;  ribs more open and available for deeper breathing; neck relaxed;  jaw soft;  ready to meditate or sleep deeply; centered over the tee for an awesome drive or putt; ready for your personal best performance.

Anyone can participate in Awareness Through Movement. Lessons are done on yoga mats on the floor or chairs. Dress comfortably, with a loose waist.  As this is extreme low impact, socks and layers are a good idea.     

Jacki Katzman