Anita's Feldy Lesson Principles

Colleague and inspiration Anita Bueno walks (Carla) and the walk …. and actually takes rests.

Anita's Feldy Lesson Principles

Feldi Principles for Lessons... and Life!

Colleague and inspiration Anita Bueno, GCFP, Certified Landscape Designer, practices The Feldenkrais Method whole heartedly. She integrates her artistic, sustainable landscape work with her Feldenkrais practice. And, unlike most of us, she actually takes rests.

During her rest periods, Anita challenges students to explore her library of recorded lessons independently, and they do.

Here is Anita’s advice to her students, which she graciously shared:

  • Listen to what's really happening, internally and externally

  • Honor what is, without immediately jumping to judgement

  • Cultivate curiosity and wonder

  • Attend to both the details and the big picture

  • Pause often - making space for reflection, integration and allowing something new to emerge

  • Look for variation - exploring multiple paths towards accomplishment

  • Play - find delight in everyday things

  • Encourage & Hold patience to resist the culture of urgency

Anita’s students return from their ‘integration weeks” with fresh ideas and enthusiasm. Enjoy!

Gulld photo Credit:  Copyright 2005, Rosalie O'Connor. Used with permission of the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America.