About Walking - 8 - Ahead, Behind and On Center

Off to see the Wizard - Emerald City - MGM Studios

Emerald City - Keep moving on down the road. Look ahead and sense behind.

About Walking - 8 - Ahead, Behind and On Center

Eyes, Space and Balance for Walking

Based on “Walking Oscillations 2” as taught by Anita Bueno, LASN, GCFP

We continue with last week’s deceptively simple lesson: shifting weight from front heel to back, left heel to right, coordinating breath and centering the gaze.

This week adds the element of space and flexibility in the ribs. You can approach this lesson as an opportunity to:

  • Go deeper into shifting weight from heel to heel coordinated with the breath

  • Using the wall to sense the space behind you and how the back engages in walking

  • Finding flow in the ribs for elegant walking

  • Centering the head in walking for better focus

This simple structure is a framework for reviewing what we’ve done so far:

  • Sending the force from foot to fingertip

  • Using the big heel bones to support the body’s weight in stepping forward

  • Feeling the lines of ground force up and down in walking

  • Using the shoulder blades, arms and ribs to flow forward

  • Aligning the shoulders, sit bones and feet for balance and power

  • Finding flex in the ankles for stability

  • Using the breath and pelvic floor to organize graceful motion

To this we add flexible ribs, centering the head for focus, and using the wall to sense of ‘what’s behind.’

Or skip all that detail and just enjoy a simple pelvis rocking and arm swinging that builds into conscious walking.

Ribs in motion - essential for easy, graceful walking

We’ll begin with a short review of lessons to date in sitting, and then get up off the floor. The rest of the lesson will be in standing, with rests in walking, sitting or lying down.

Set Up:

  • Standing on a firm surface just in front of a wall

  • Stable, flat-bottom chair that you can use for standing support and sitting rest

  • Mat on the floor if you feel like resting supine

Another chance to feel the force flow through your feet, from heel to toe.

Science Nerd Candy Bowl:

Gravitational lines of force to align when walking. Source: Mabel Todd, The Thinking Body

How you might feel after this lesson: Pelvis and shoulders connected; Clearer sensation of how the breath connects the step and weight shift; Curiouser about weight shifting in standing and walking; Fluid in the ribs; Spidey sense of what’s behind; Head held center for determined focus; Spine soft and supple; Impressed at all you have absorbed so far when it comes to the simplicity and complexity of walking.

For new student registration, Click Here

If you have a Wednesday 9:30 am or 6:30 pm class registration, keep using it. If you were registered for the 12:00 pm Wednesday session, you’ll need to register. Registered, paid students receive the lesson recording link on Thursday. $40/month, $15/single lesson. PayPal: jackisue@aol.com Venmo: @Jacki-Katzman Or check to Jacki Katzman, PO Box 116, Bethlehem, NH 03574

Dorothy Gale keeps her eyes ahead, her ribs soft enough for the high notes. Toto too.

LessonsJacki Katzman