Movement Mentor, Discovered Behind Popcorn Machine, Debuts At Surfer Flick

Gerry Lopez, Surfer, source:liquidsalt magazine

Movement Mentor, Discovered Behind Popcorn Machine, Debuts At Surfer Flick

Invited to lead a little movement before “The Yin and Yang of Gerry Lopez”

It’s the ingenue story. An aspiring performer, diligently putting in time behind the finicky popcorn machine, is called on to offer a brief movement lesson while the star (yoga teacher) is out on maternity leave.

For the Colonial Theater’s Thursday, August 10 screening of “The Yin and Yang of Gerry Lopez” I have been invited to get people moving, pre-film, with a brief Awareness Through Movement® lesson.

In keeping with the Yin/Yang theme, and in anticipation of the expected presence of climbers, hikers, cyclists, skiers, kayakers, and every other ilk of outdoor enthusiast, it will be a very brief exploration of the front/back or side-to-side dichotomy of breathing. One side must be open when the other is closed.

Belly loose on the inhale, back loose on the exhale: that’s a key to flowing movement on a surfboard, on skis, etc. Both sides tight is a direct path to ripped muscles, as in torn and painful.

Should be fun. Hope you can be there. Get tickets here.

Thank you Susanna Brent, Director of Programming, Colonial Theater, Bethlehem, NH for the opportunity.