“Liberating Your Neck and Jaw” is composed by Feldenkrais Trainer and practitioner David Zemach-Berson. He studied directly with Moshe Feldenkrais and graduated from the first US Feldenkrais Professional Training Program in 1977 and has been practicing and refining the work ever since.
What I like about this series is the systematic exploration of the connections of the neck and jaw with the whole body.
““If you grind your teeth, clench your jaw, have headaches or neck pain, jut your chin to read screens (formally called “text neck”), this is for you. If your asanas seem to get stuck in the neck (and hips…), if you prefer to sit comfortably tall at the computer, if you would like your walk to be regal, this session is for you.””
The Series builds on the work of Mr. Zemach-Berson, and adds contributions of David Kaetz, developer of the “Listening With Your Whole Body.” Combined, these lessons bring awareness of the neck, jaw and voice to help with relaxation, balance, clarity and expression.
Register here (one registration covers morning and evening session)