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Full Body Gardening: Spring Edition

Monastic picking up plums

Use Your Tools Wisely

Save Your Back And Get Your Garden Going

Bring new joy and awareness to spring gardening.

These are Awareness Through Movement lessons that will improve your garden tool-using efficiency and build better awareness body-wide:

  • Raking - Rake from toe to fingertip and save your back

  • Digging - glutes ON for power and direction

  • Pruning - it’s a whole back operation, even the fine work

  • Planting - get down to the ground - and up - with arms free to plant with love

No need to bring your gloves, rakes, shovels, trowels or Felcos. But plan on getting into the dirt to try out your new skills ASAP.

Some familiar lessons with new purpose, and some new lessons to expand your movement repertoire.

To be followed now and then throughout the growing and harvesting seasons with other garden-related lessons.

These are Awareness Through Movement lessons that will improve your garden tool-using efficiency and build better awareness body-wide:

  • Raking - Rake from toe to fingertip and save your back

  • Digging - glutes ON for power and direction

  • Pruning - it’s a whole back operation, even the fine work

  • Planting - get down to the ground - and up - with arms free to plant with love

No need to bring your gloves, rakes, shovels, trowels or Felcos. But plan on getting into the dirt to try out your new skills ASAP.

Some familiar lessons with new purpose, and some new lessons to expand your movement repertoire.

To be followed now and then throughout the growing and harvesting seasons with other garden-related lessons.

Wednesdays 9:30-10:15 AM and 6:30-7:15 PM  BY ZOOM 
New Students: Register here 

Wednesdays 9:30-10:15 AM and 6:30-7:15 PM  BY ZOOM 
New Students: Register here