Play is the ultimate portal to plasticity. We are built to play. In fact, play is a homeostatic function: if we don’t get enough play, we have to make up the deficit. Play circuits remain in adulthood, even if we no longer feel very playful in our daily grinds.
“Personal Play Identity,” our personal play styles that developed in childhood. These style, however, are not fixed. Our play patterns can be fluid, and expanded play can affect your future self.
Dr. Stuart Brown, the author of the book Play, identified 8 “play personalities” based on animal and human natural behaviors:
The Joker - laugh
The Kinesthete - move
The Explorer - go deep
The Competitor - games or goals
The Director - organize
The Storyteller - imagine
The Collector -make connections
The Creator - express
Enjoy (!) familiar lessons through the lens of play - and expand your play repertoire. You know you need it!
BY ZOOM New Students: Register here
One registration covers Wednesday morning and evening classes
$15/session, $40/month
MARCH 15, 2022