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Abs: No Crunch - Building the Pelvic Wall

Deep Support for Squishy Organs and Posture

Based on “Abdominals”. by Deborah Bowes, GCFP, PT

The “Pelvic Wall” concept pioneered by Whole Woman Inc. creator Christine Kent, RN, put a spotlight on my sloppy and unattractive slumping pattern of flattened feet, flabby belly, weak upper back. and forward'-leaning jaw.

The interior and exterior obliques, the muscles that wrap from the ribs to the pelvis, with connections to the spine, get less attention that the “Six Pack” rectus abdominis, but do the big work of supporting the internal organs and holding up the torso.

Deborah Bowes, GCFT® , PT, and creator of the “Pelvic Health” series of Awareness Through Movement lessons, recently introduced a 3-lesson series on Abdominals. The lessons are deceptively unimpressive but undeniably powerful.

Again, Deborah takes a systemic approach to improving the pelvic system, bringing the pelvis, abs, pelvic floor, and glutes into relationship with the spine, ribs, head and feet. Her admonition “Please, no crunches” is supported by whole body approach to balanced, low-stress strengthening.

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$15/lesson, $40/month. Venmo: @Jacki-Katzman | PayPal: | Check: PO Box 116, Bethlehem, NH 03574