Bike Skills - Looking Behind
Natasha noticed that the last lesson was also for cycling. So why not take it further?
This lesson is about keeping your centerline, pedaling AND looking behind safely, without any chance of falling over.
The trick is to get the weight of your upper body forward on the handlebars, sinking into your hips to power your pedaling. The last piece is shifting weight to one sit bone, which makes twisting around your center easy. Sounds complicated, but the step-by-step instructions break it down.
ASPNC bikers take to the road tandem style. This lesson keeps you over your center for power, balance and looking behind.
The focus of this lesson was biking, but the skill applies to kayaking, parallel parking, disk tossing, yoga twists, reaching. Just about anything, really.
Join our sessions by video. The ASPNC YouTube Channel features ATeam lessons.